Some of you might remember Reddit's r/place event that took place on April 1st, 2017. For those who don't, the objective was simple.
There is an empty canvas.
You may place a tile upon it, but you must wait to place another.
Individually you can create something.
Together you can create something more.
Note: The link is broken. I'm working on a fix. Not sure when it'll be done!
So some friends of mine have set out to create a project with a website. I'm not really sure about what it's supposed to be, but it's aspiring to be a cute site with accounts and friends and some social interaction, and also an archive of browser games. They named it SickGamez, because, you know, that's a very Irish way of naming something. One of the creators is Irish.
So I wanted to develop some kind of game to submit for their site, and because recently I've read some things about Reddit's r/place event (even tho I am currently a Redditor, I wasn't around back in 2017) I thought I should try and re-implement the game myself, and I decided JavaScript was the way to go (and not anything compiled like C# or even Unity's WebGL stuff (I tried implementing the game there, and I utterly failed because I couldn't optimize well enough the tile handling)).
It's not much, it closely follows the original r/place implementation without adding any new features.
The game is entirely in English.