
Laurentiu Pricop


This program stores a database of books, and offers the ability to store their location within the house. A book's location is comprised of its area, shelf, section and direction. The program's target is to make finding books easier, by just typing their name in the computer and being told where they are.

This is mainly a household program, but if you really want you can use it industrially, I specifically made it to work!

Published: 2019-01-31
Versions and Links
1.0 (d31b187): ZIP
This is a 6-year old project ported from my old site.
It's already history, and the Young Me who wrote this has grown a lot since then.
Please take everything you read here with a grain of salt (and maybe some humor).

So basically, I made this program because I moved out. The house I currently live in has a crap ton of books from the 1960's and we wanted to keep them. And because they are so many, I decided to make an inventory app with the sole purpose of making finding books easier. Now, the easy part was making the program. The hard part is taking every book, writing its book number on it, and then typing its information in the program. Still fun tho!

I began registrating books the instant I got the program working. And I also wanted to publish it on my site, but that required additional work, as the program was very error prone. So I undertook the task and I made it to work. The biggest pain in the butt was writing the code to create a new database, when needed. In Visual Studio you just click a few buttons and it'll create the database file for you, but I needed to do that programmatically. I tried everything, from creating an empty file and letting SQL Server handle it, from actually talking with SQL Server into making the file, until I screwed everything and just decided to store an empty database template within the program. As stupid as that might sound, it actually works flawlessly and I ain't changing it.


  • Ability to have multiple libraries with different books
  • Ability to easily edit stored books
  • Ability to sort and filter the book list
  • Support for large database sizes
  • General support for window resizing (this is hard to code)

Known bugs

  • None... it doesn't do much, but as far as I know it does it flawlessly.


This program is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 4.0 license. Read more about how that works here.



This program is only available in Romanian, as of yet. I plan on translating it into English soon.


You need Microsoft's .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher in order to run this application. It is usually pre-installed on Windows 7 and newer machines.

Version v1.0 (d31 build 187) Download ZIP Source (Jan 31st, 2019)(first and last)